Rain Gloves Are Also Sweat Gloves

Sweat-soaked rain gloves, July 7, 2013.

Sovetsk Sweat-soaked rain gloves, July 7, 2013.

buy cheap clomid pills It’s been so hot and humid around here that we’ve had to make some adjustments. I’ve started wearing rain gloves even when it isn’t raining, because regular gloves feel slick and slimy when they’re soaked with perspiration. We’ve also tried bracketing the worst parts of the day by playing at the five-thirties: a Two-Hour Eighteen™ at 5:30 a.m. followed by a Two-Hour Eighteen™ twelve hours later, at 5:30 p.m. The course is empty and relatively cool both times, and you have room for a full workday in between, assuming you don’t fall asleep at your desk. And after the second eighteen you get home in plenty of time to ask, “Hey, what’s for dinner?”

Tony, Ian, Other Gene, Tim-o, Rex, eighteenth green, dawn patrol

Tony, Ian, Other Gene, Tim-o, Rex, eighteenth green, dawn patrol, July 3, 2013.

Kevin, Addison, evening session.

Kevin, Addison, evening session.

Sunday Morning Group met at the regular time—7:30—and the temperature was around 90 by the time we finished. Doug got so hot that he had to cover his head with a towel:


Corey (our pro) wore shorts, and for the first time in living memory we ate lunch on the porch, to get out of the sun.

Settling up at lunch: Corey (our pro), Hacker (real name), Tom, Tim.

Settling up at lunch: Corey, Hacker (real name), Tom, Tim.

There were only three skins, and Tim got two of them. He was also on the winning team, so next week it will be his turn to bring lunch. Doug had a wife situation at home, so he left as soon as he had eaten. He doesn’t live very far from the course, so in decent weather he usually commutes by motor scooter:

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That’s a dual-purpose helmet he’s wearing: turn it the other way and it’s a golf cap.

10 thoughts on “Rain Gloves Are Also Sweat Gloves

  1. I, too, have to wear a rain glove, instead of a regular leather glove because of the intense humidity down south. Why doesn’t some glove company make a rain glove that is not dark colored (black or navy blue)?

  2. But don’t those gloves get very disgustingly slimy on the inside? The inside is more of a problem for me with regular gloves than the outside. I take my glove off after every shot, wipe my hands on a towel before every shot, and change gloves as necessary. At most I need three in the rotation. They dry and are useable again by the next day so I’m not really wasting money by changing gloves.

    • Not slimy. A little damp, but not as wet as they get in the rain. I don’t find it unpleasant at all. The alternative is to do exactly what you do–my Plan B.

  3. Ask your shop to get some “Gorilla Gold” packets, they are the
    best I’ve tried. No more rain gloves.Full Disclosure….I’m an
    independent rep. for gorilla gold… Apply to your grips or
    hands and wih a little trial and error on the amount used, I’ll
    read a small blurb about it in “My usual game.”

  4. My hands sweat continually and I started using rain gloves while on a Florida trip years ago after I went through 2 cabretta gloves in 3 days. Still using rain gloves today. I suspect companies do not make rain gloves in white or any other color because they will last much longer than leather. Love your blog.

    • Cheap golf gloves, and others that aren’t made of leather, are often better in rain and heat than expensive golf gloves. For pretty much the same reason, I’ve always preferred crappy, non-leather car seats.

    • Joe Watson, a reader in Nokomis, Florida, suggests another product, which you can see here: http://wwww.NoSweatGolf.com. Joe writes: “I invented it for me….we now make ten products. I play golf every day in Florida, and it is always hot and humid!”

  5. Pingback: Rain Gloves Are Also Sweat Gloves | Clothes

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