Atlantic City Country Club: Great Golf Course, Great Locker Room, Great Bar p1200073

buy cenforce 150mg Every autumn, the Sunday Morning Group takes an end-of-season golf trip to Atlantic City, which, in addition to being a cesspool of sin, depravity, and despair, is a terrific low-cost, high-quality golf destination. During this year’s trip—our seventeenth—we added a new course to our rotation: Atlantic City Country Club. It’s now one of our all-time favorites, along with Twisted Dune, the Bay Course at Seaview, Renault Winery, and Scotland Run—courses that would stand out anywhere. Here are a few reasons to visit ACCC, which has been open to the public since 2007:

  • The club was founded in 1897, so next year will be its 120th anniversary.
  • In the olden days, a bell was rung to warn golfers that the last trolley back to Atlantic City was about to depart. Timing was an issue because high tide sometimes covered the tracks, making the schedule irregular. Also, everyone was drunk.

  • The term “birdie,” in its golf application, was coined there in 1903, when Abner Smith, a member from Philadelphia, hit his approach stiff on the what was then the twelfth hole. He exclaimed that he had hit “a bird of a shot,” and the term caught on, partly thorough his own encouragement. (That hole, with a different green, is now the second. The original second green has been preserved, for historical reasons, as a remote practice area.)
  • The men’s locker room is one of the greatest male sanctuaries on earth:


  • The U.S. Amateur was held there in 1901.
  • The U. S. Women’s Open has been held there three times. In 1948, it was won by Babe Zaharias, who celebrated afterward by playing the piano in the club’s Taproom.
  • Arnold Palmer played there often in the 1950s, when he was in the Coast Guard and stationed nearby, and he has an honorary locker (which was shrouded in black, to mark his death, during our visit):

  • Al Capone, Bob Hope, Willie Mays, and Joe Namath also played there and also have honorary lockers.
  • Oh, yeah, and the course—which was designed partly by Willie Park, Jr., among others, and was reworked in 1999 by Tom Doak—is swell, too:

4 thoughts on “Atlantic City Country Club: Great Golf Course, Great Locker Room, Great Bar

    • Hey, Doug. We’d always meant to play it but had never gotten around to it, for some reason–maybe because it wasn’t one of the courses in the packages offered by the packager we use. But now it is. I’m pretty sure we’ll go back every year from now on. So many golf courses! So little time!

      • David, Term birdie coined and invented there, JJMcDermott, first american pro to win the USOpen, was Pro there in 1910-12, a plethora of history in the Golf world. Not to mention the last relevant PGA president Leo Fraser was the owner for many years and you waited to play it in a Package ??

  1. As a South Jersey resident and recent convert to the game, I have been loving these posts about the courses in and around AC from your trip. It really is amazing how many courses are in South Jersey and especially around AC. Also the history that many of them have; between ACCC and Seaview in Galloway, there is almost more than enough to go around.

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