I Bought a New Push Cart!

where to buy prednisone steroid Trolleys: Brendan, Tim, Tony, Rick, Hillside Golf Club, Birkdale, England, May, 2010.

Ikot Ekpene Two years ago, during a buddies trip to England, I became a convert to what the British call trolleys. My first was a Sun Mountain Micro-Cart, which I gradually customized:

This is my old push cart. If my wife played golf, I’d give it to her.

I ran it pretty hard, for more than a thousand miles, and a couple of months ago a friend commented that it had started to look like a farm vehicle. That’s not manure in the photo below, but I see his point:

Not manure, but almost.

Anyway, a couple of days ago I did something I’d kind of been hoping I’d do: I busted it beyond repair. I was pushing it up the fourth fairway, and suddenly it started wobbling and making a funny noise. Eventually, I realized that a spoke in one of the wheels had broken.

Busted Micro-Cart wheel–at last!

Replacing the wheel probably wouldn’t be expensive, and I’ve been very happy with my Micro-Cart, but I was itching to try something new. So as soon as I got home I ordered a Clicgear 3.0, from Amazon, for a little less than $200. Unfolding and folding it is tricky, but I got the hang of it out after a couple of tries. I’ll be pimping it a bit in the coming weeks, of course. And there are lots of official accessories, several of which I want to buy. More about that later.

My new ride.

My Clicgear 3.0 weighs more than my Micro-Cart, but it actually folds down slightly smaller. That’s important because this year I also bought a new car, which is slightly smaller than my old car. At the moment, I’m dealing with that by throwing all my extra golf junk into the back seat, along with all my other extra junk. Eventually, though, I’ll have to get the trunk organized. So, really, I had no choice but to buy a new cart.

My new cart is heavier than my old cart, but it’s a teensy bit more compact when folded up. Or so I claim.


10 thoughts on “I Bought a New Push Cart!

  1. Never heard of these brands , I am in my mid 40s and just bought a powakaddy push car in white , seems ok. I am in the UK, enjoyed your article . Regards

    • An electric Powakaddy is next, as soon as I’m tired of pushing. A decade ago, on a golf trip to Atlantic City, my friends and I invented a game involving electric push carts. I think the statute of limitations has passed, so I’ll describe it sometime soon, once I’ve dug up the photographs.

  2. should try a “goKart” from Gokart.com – bloody BRILLIANT!!!! . . . .and truly, the cutomer service is absoltely 2nd to none, it’s like they’re from another time

  3. I bought a new SunMountain speed cart this fall, and after a couple of uses I wish I’d bought the Clicgear instead. The changes Sun Mountain have made are both positive and negative, but I think the Clicgear is a better alternative, and has way more accessories that one can add.

  4. Had a real toss up between the Clicgear 3.0 and the Powakaddy Twinline 3 – ended up going with the latter, mainly on financial grounds, but no complaints so far.

    Hard to believe (and a little sad to say) that I find the Clicgear looks sexy. I mean you’re pushing it over grass, laden with a bag full of clubs – you wouldn’t think it matters, but boys and their toys I guess. Good luck with it.

  5. Would like to have your old micro cart wheels, can’t find any use one for my micro cart, thoe other one separated after a few rounds and sun mountain would not replace them. Thanks

    • I thought I had saved my old busted Micro Cart, but I just checked my garage and it isn’t there. I now think I must have given it to my brother, for “parts.” Good luck.

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