Beef Box*: Golf Shirt + Golf Glove = Trouble

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how to buy prednisone online One of the most surprising features of modern life, to someone who went to high school in the early 1970s, is the renewed popularity of clothing made of synthetic fibers. Not that long ago, a clear indication that someone was completely out of it was that they still made jokes about golfers wearing “polyester pants.” But golfers are again wearing polyester pants.

Actually, polyester pants are great for golf trips, because they’re somewhat rain-resistant and they don’t wrinkle when you wad them up and throw them on the floor. But I would never wear mine anyplace where a non-golf-playing friend, such as my wife, might see me. I’ve also got a few polyester golf shirts. They’re supposedly better than cotton at keeping you cool, but they feel like they’re made of pantyhose.

And now I have a new reason to complain. Today, I noticed a growing constellation of snags on the front of a brand-new Ashworth polyester golf shirt, and after about fourteen holes I realized what the problem was: every time my glove brushed against the fabric, the bristly part of the Velcro closure yanked some of the threads. Photographing snags in golf-shirt fabric turns out to be really difficult, but the picture at the top of this post should give you the idea.

*With apologies to Joe Pyne.

One thought on “Beef Box*: Golf Shirt + Golf Glove = Trouble

  1. I also have an Ashworth shirt with pulls/runs in the mid section. I have countless other golf shirts, none have the same issues. And the Ashworth was the first nice golf shirt I ever bought.

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