Ireland: Tony’s Amazing Inflatable Rainsuit

how to buy Lyrica online Today, six friends and I played 36 holes at Narin & Portnoo Golf Club, in northwestern Ireland. I wrote about the course and that part of the country last year, in Golf Digest, in an article called The Road Less Traveled. Today, the wind was blowing several hundred miles an hour–as you can see in the video above, which shows Tony and his amazing inflatable rainsuit on the eighth tee–but there was hardly any rain and only a tiny bit of sleet. Between rounds, I asked a couple of older members, who were hanging around the golf shop, to explain the meaning of the symbols in the club’s  logo, but they couldn’t. Someone eventually looked it up online, and the answer was extremely interesting, although now I don’t remember what it was or where they found it. The simplest thing would probably be for you to go yourself, and ask them to look it up again–and you really should do that, because the course is A-plus-plus. (I’d post an image of the logo, but I can’t find a decent one on the Web–another good reason to visit in person.)

The day before, at Portsalon, we had an incident (referred to in court documents as the Incident) that may be of interest to legal scholars. Howard (referred to in court documents as Player H) had a three-foot putt for par which was well outside our standard gimme distance (the length of the longest foot in the foursome). He picked it up because Tim had a par already. On the next tee, we realized that Howard had had a stroke, meaning that his putt had actually been for net birdie. What to do? We decided that the fair thing would be to recreate the putt on the following green, and credit Howard with the birdie if he made it (which he did). Amazingly, the guys on the other team agreed with this ruling, and we have adopted it group-wide.

Here’s another look at that wind:

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